Thursday, November 5, 2009

How We Got Here

So I haven't always been "couchman." In my youth I was a competitive swimmer, excelling during high school (Arizona HS Champion 100 yd freestyle and a couple of relays in 1990) and as a member of the University of Arizona swimming team for a couple of years. I also used to be an avid cyclist, both mountain and road, and I completed the El Tour de Tucson in 1995 (112 miles). Sadly all of these things happened in the past. Since 1996 (the year I started law school), exercise and competitive activities have been virtually nonexistent for me. Starting a legal career and dealing with a cancer scare had a lot to do with my inactivity, but I also became somewhat lazy and content to ride the couch with a cold beer or two on the weekend instead of getting out and being active. No more!

This year I've started to rally a bit. Since January I've been running and swimming a bit, and in July I completed a sprint distance (short) triathlon. Then Audrey arrived on August 3 and I took a break, and until last week my exercise has been limited to carrying Audrey around the house, pushing her in the stroller around the neighborhood, and doing lots of 12-oz curls.

I'm hoping that once I get a few months into this routine the rust will come off and I'll find some of the swimming form and bike legs I had long ago. We'll see.

Good run last night. Still dealing with an achy right ankle, hopefully working more cycling into the routine will help with that.

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