Tuesday, October 27, 2009

56 weeks and counting...

Day one, many to go. After much internal deliberation, I've decided to commit to the following:

1. Run Carlsbad 1/2 marathon in January 2010 (~14 weeks from today);
2. Train for and participate in Ironman 70.3 in Oceanside in March 2010 (~22 weeks from today);
3. Train for and participate in San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon in June 2010 (~33 weeks from today); and
4. Train for and participate in Ironman Arizona in November 2010 (~56 weeks from today).

I'm creating this blog to record my progress and the successes and failures I'll experience along the way.

As a busy corporate attorney and new parent, I've struggled with whether I will be able to make the time required to adequately prepare for these events. In the end I realized that I don't have much of a choice. I have to do this, to prove to myself that as I approach my late 30s I can still accomplish physical challenges, and of course for the health benefits that will come from these endeavours. I have to do this, as after 9 years of dedicating myself to my career at the expense of almost everything else in my life I need to do something for myself. And I have to do this for Audrey Kai, our daughter who was born August 3, 2009, to set a good example for her and to put myself on a course where I will be around for a long time for Audrey and for her mother and my beautiful wife, Kim.

So the countdown begins at 56 weeks. Should be quite the ride...